Effective from November 1, 2023


The Satakunta Business Lounge service, managed by Prizztech Oy (Business ID: 0773693-4) (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”), is an online directory service accessed via internet browsers (hereinafter referred to as “SBL service”). SBL provides a platform where companies can collectively offer their services to other businesses and private consumers, facilitating a network for national and international businesses seeking collaboration and subcontracting partners. The service profiles within the SBL are written by the businesses themselves, describing their operations. SBL solely provides an electronic platform for contact and presentation purposes.

The SBL service is aimed at businesses, municipalities, private consumers, and international companies building their business in Satakunta (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Users”). The core of the SBL service is a directory that allows the User to search for services using various search criteria. Information about the services is collected from companies and other service providers (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”). For clarity, the term “User” or “Users” in these terms of use also refers to the Service Provider.

These general terms of use govern the use of the SBL service (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”), which the User should read carefully before using the SBL service. The Terms of Use bind the User regardless of whether the use of the SBL service requires registration or not.

For clarity, these Terms of Use do not apply to the relationship between the User and the Service Providers. If the User acquires or otherwise commits to a Service found through the SBL service, the terms of the agreement between the User and the Service Providers are determined according to the terms separately agreed upon by the parties. The Service Provider is not responsible for the services offered by the Service Providers or any other matters between the Service Providers and the User.


Use of the SBL service and/or its functionalities may require registration to the SBL service. When registering for the SBL service, the User must provide the required information on the registration form. The User receives a username and password for using the SBL service, which allow the User to log into the SBL service. The username associated with the user account must not contain offensive expressions or incitements to criminal activity and must otherwise comply with good manners. The registering User must have a functioning email address, as completing the registration requires confirming the confirmation message sent to this email.

For businesses and organizations, the first registering User creates a main user account for themselves, with which they can manage the sub-user accounts of that business or organization. The main user and sub-users manage the business or organization and Service information in the SBL service. Businesses and organizations are responsible for ensuring that their main users and sub-users are familiar with and comply with the Terms of Use.

When registering for the SBL service and using the SBL service, the User must provide all required information truthfully and correctly. The User is responsible for providing information that is accurate and kept up-to-date. The User must notify the Service Provider of any changes to their information without undue delay. The User does not have the right to link other people’s email addresses or information to their account, nor to impersonate another person.

The User is responsible for all actions taken with their username. The username and password are personal and must not be disclosed to outsiders. If the User’s username or password is compromised or if the User suspects that the password or username has fallen into the hands of outsiders, the User must immediately notify the Service Provider. Actions taken with the User’s username bind the owner of the username until the Service Provider has confirmed receiving notification of the breach from the User.

The Service Provider reserves the right to change the User’s username or other information provided by the User to the SBL service if they cause conflicts or duplications in the Service Provider’s information systems.

Additionally, the Service Provider has the right to lock or delete the User’s username at any time if the Service Provider suspects misuse or if the User has acted contrary to these Terms of Use, laws, or good practice.


The Service Provider maintains the SBL service, where the User, depending on their role and the functionality of the Service, can search, compare, or market the Service.

The Service Provider is not responsible for the Services announced in the SBL service or other material stored in the SBL service, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, correctness, or timeliness of the information provided by Users in the SBL service. The Service Provider does not take a stance on disputes that may arise between Users.

The Service Provider is not responsible for links stored in the SBL service that lead to the Service’s website or other websites and does not monitor their reliability. The User utilizes links at their own risk.

The User may store material on the server used by the Service Provider. However, the Service Provider does not guarantee the preservation of the stored material and is not responsible for any damages caused by the alteration, loss, destruction, or deletion of the material. To ensure the preservation of the material, the User is responsible for backing up the material stored on the Service Provider’s server themselves.


The User agrees to use the SBL service in accordance with the current Terms of Use, laws, other regulations, and good practice. The User is fully responsible for all costs and damages that result from the provision of material and/or use of the SBL service contrary to the Terms of Use, any other contractual terms, laws, or good practice to the Service Provider, other Users, and third parties.

The User is responsible for all content and materials that they store in the SBL service and/or make available to others through the SBL service (including uploading materials to the SBL service, using various linking methods, and other possible ways). The Service Provider is obliged to update changes to the Service they offer in the SBL service without undue delay.

The User does not have the right to store any other advertising, marketing, or announcement material related to the Service in the SBL service without the prior consent of the Service Provider.

The User agrees not to use the SBL service to publish or transmit material that infringes the rights of third parties, is unlawful, defamatory, or otherwise contrary to good manners, nor to engage in any activity that impedes other Users’ ability to use the SBL service.

In the case of businesses and organizations, both the main user and sub-users, as well as the business and/or organization itself, are jointly and individually responsible for the User’s actions in the SBL service that are contrary to the Terms of Use, other applicable terms, laws, and good practice to the Service Provider, other Users, and third parties.

If the User notices material contrary to the Terms of Use, laws, or good practice has been added to the SBL service or that the SBL service has been used otherwise contrary to the Terms of Use, laws, or good practice, the User must notify the Service Provider.


The Service Provider grants the User a limited license to use the SBL service and its contained material in accordance with the Terms of Use. The User has the right to use the SBL service only for purposes that fall within the normal use of the SBL service. The User does not have the right to transfer the usage rights granted by the Service Provider to the SBL service or its contained material to third parties.

If the User stores material in the SBL service, such as announcements, texts, images, and/or other materials (“User Material”), the User grants the Service Provider an unlimited right to use the User Material in any way without separate compensation. The Service Provider has the right, for example, to edit, store, copy, transfer, and/or further transfer the User Material, and to make the User Material available to the public in any channel of the Service Provider.

The User must ensure that the User Material does not infringe any third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, laws, or general practices of good manners.


The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any time at its discretion. The User will be informed of changes to the Terms of Use in the SBL service or by email. The User should check the current Terms of Use on the SBL service website. The User is considered to have accepted the changed Terms of Use if the User uses the SBL service after the updated Terms of Use are available on the SBL service website or if the User has been informed of the changed Terms of Use.


The Service Provider strives to provide a highly reliable SBL service, which is generally available without interruption. However, the Service Provider does not guarantee the operation or features of the SBL service.

The Service Provider continuously strives to develop the SBL service and has the right to change the SBL service, its parts, and the material therein, correct errors and deficiencies in the SBL service, and discontinue parts of the SBL service without prior notice and liability. The User understands and accepts that the development, modification, and partial or complete termination of the SBL service are at the exclusive discretion of the Service Provider. The Service Provider will try to inform the User of significant changes to the SBL service in a reasonable time in advance on the SBL service website or in another manner deemed appropriate by the Service Provider.

The Service Provider is not responsible for damages resulting from technical faults, maintenance, updates, interruptions in the telecommunications network, internet network outages, or other possible factors that cause interruptions in the operation of the SBL service.


The ownership, copyright, and all other intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyrights, unregistered and registered trademark and design rights, patents, domain names, trade secrets, and database rights) related to the SBL service belong to the Service Provider, its partners, or other right holders.

The Service Provider does not grant the User any direct or indirect rights to any intellectual property rights associated with the use of the SBL service or otherwise.

The User must ensure that the User Material does not infringe any third-party rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, laws, or general practices of good manners. The Service Provider is not responsible for possible infringements of third-party intellectual property rights caused by the User Material.


The Service Provider processes the User’s personal data in accordance with the Service Provider’s current privacy policy and privacy legislation. The privacy policy is available at: and, where the most recent version of this privacy policy will always be available.


The Service Provider has the right to transfer the SBL service, its maintenance, and usage rights to a company within the same group and to the recipient of the business in the event of a business sale. The User does not have the right to transfer the username or usage rights without the prior written consent of the Service Provider to a third party.


A registered User can delete their username through the functionality in the SBL service. If the User’s user account is long unused and/or the Service’s information or other User information is not updated, the Service Provider has the right to close the User’s user account and delete related information/material.

The Service Provider has the right to close the User’s user account for a justified reason without providing a separate notification to the User. A justified reason may include, but is not limited to, violation of the Terms of Use.

Upon termination of usage rights for any reason, the User’s right to use the SBL service ceases, and the User’s username is closed. The User accepts that the Service Provider’s rights to the User Material remain in force notwithstanding the termination.

The Service Provider is not obligated to provide the User with the User Material after the termination of usage rights, nor is it otherwise responsible for the deletion, loss, or change of any User Material.

Despite the termination of usage rights, such rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Service Provider and the User that are intended to remain in force by their nature (such as liability for damages) remain in force.


The Service Provider provides the SBL service and its content “as is” without any warranties, assurances, or liabilities. The User uses the SBL service at their own risk.

The Service Provider is not responsible for delays or errors caused by factors outside the Service Provider’s control. Strikes, lockouts, boycotts, and other industrial actions are considered force majeure even when the Service Provider is the target or participant.

Unless otherwise required by mandatory statutory provisions, the Service Provider is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may occur to the User or third parties as a result of the use of the SBL service or interruptions, delays, errors, or deficiencies in the SBL service or information or notifications available through the SBL service or any other direct or indirect damages otherwise arising in connection with the SBL service.

The Service Provider is not responsible for errors resulting from the User Material or other material stored in the SBL service. The Service Provider has the right to immediately remove incorrect, harmful, or incomplete material from the SBL service.

These limitations of liability do not apply if the Service Provider has caused the damage intentionally or through gross negligence.


These Terms of Use are governed by Finnish law, excluding its choice of law rules. These Terms of Use do not restrict the consumer rights under the mandatory legislation of Finland.

Any disputes arising from the Terms of Use are primarily intended to be resolved through mutual negotiations between the Service Provider and the User. If disputes cannot be resolved in this manner, the dispute will be resolved in the first instance by the Satakunta District Court.

A consumer User may also bring the dispute to the general court of their domicile and/or request a resolution recommendation from the Consumer Disputes Board. Before bringing the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board, we recommend that the consumer contact consumer advice.

Consumer advice:

Consumer Disputes Board:

Hämeentie 3, PO Box 3066, 00531 HELSINKI,


Service Provider’s contact information:

Prizztech Oy (Business ID: 0773693-4)

Gallen-Kallelankatu 8, 28100 Finland

Phone: (02) 620 5300
